4 Tips for Spring Pest Control in Maryland
Ah, spring. Most people embrace that good feeling when it seems that most of winter is officially behind them. They change parkas out for lighter coats and ditch the gloves and hats, basking in those sunnier, warmer temperatures.
We all love it. Spring brings hope and new beginnings for all of us. And when we say “all of us,” unfortunately, we also mean the creepy-crawly pests that are resting quietly, waiting for their moment to move and become active.
Yes, pests love spring just as much as we do. Once temperatures reach 50 degrees Fahrenheit, most insects enjoy moving about. They want to change up their scenery, search for food, and maybe breed more of their bunch.
Use This Pest Guide to Identify & Eliminate 28 Different Pests!
And the warmth, protection, and delicious smells coming from your home look pretty good.
Luckily, as you’re spring cleaning, there are a couple simple tasks you can add to your list when it comes to spring pest control in Maryland.
How to Prevent Spring Pest Problems in Maryland
Bugs just want a little bit of the safety and security we feel when we’re at home. We get that. Your home is a pretty sweet place full of all the dark corners and sweet crumbs they could want.
But that doesn’t mean they are welcome.
Spring brings out all the pests, and you want to make sure they don’t see your home as their final destination as they begin traveling about.
Here are 4 spring pest control tips you can use to keep pests away.
1. Cleanup Debris
Winter does a number on our landscapes.
Brisk winds cause twigs and small branches to fall off trees and litter your landscape.
While you may have done a great job gathering up leaves as they fell from trees in the fall, there are trees that shed leaves later in the season. And winter winds may blow nearby leaves to your property as well. So there is always some spring cleanup of leaves involved as temperatures warm up.
Random bits of trash can also move with winds and melting snow and ice piles.
So, you have a little bit of yard cleanup to do.
Why is this important for spring pest control in Maryland? Because guess where those pests have been harboring over the winter: in those very leaf and twig piles. And if those piles are near your foundation or windows, that puts them one step closer to inside your home.
Remember to clean up yard debris in early spring, especially those things that have collected too close to your home. You also don’t want stacks of firewood within 20 feet from your home because bugs and rodents enjoy camping out in those piles as well.
2. Maintain a Clean Home to Keep Pest Away
Bugs and mice look for quick, easy sources of food. They go for the first thing they smell that is nearby.
Enter your home.
Look around your house. Notice that your pet food is left out and open or that your bird food is in an open or barely sealed container?
What about the food in your pantry? Is it sealed and secured or left open or haphazardly closed?
Are your floors clean of crumbs and bug temptations?Storing food, including pet food and bird seed, in sealed plastic containers keeps food fresh and those exciting smells away from pests.
Clean up floors so they are free from crumbs and spill residue or other enticements.
Doing simple cleanup activities regularly can really help in preventing spring pest problems.
3. Seal Entryways
Now that the outside and inside of your home is clean, it’s time to make sure common bug entryways are not accessible.
As part of your spring pest control, seal any larger cracks and crevices that lead into your home. You can find these openings near basement entry points, foundations, window wells, insulation areas, and around siding.
While bugs are pretty small, and you may never be able to secure every tiny entryway, tackling those visible to you is a worthwhile step to keeping pests out.
4. Secure Your Pest Barrier
Cleanliness and limited entryways get you most of the way to a pest-free home.
But pests are creatures of habit. So if you’ve already had pest problems in the past, those bugs have already gotten a taste of the good stuff inside your home. They know you hold the key to a warm, safe haven of food, comfort, warmth, and a secure breeding spot.
Maintaining barriers to entry outside your home can ensure any weak leaks in plugging up holes or cleanliness are covered.
For mice infestations, maintenance amounts to keeping bait stations and traps in place and ready as a defense. When it comes to other bugs and pests like ants, preventing spring pest problems happens with quarterly perimeter pest control treatments. Since these applications last approximately three months, keeping that perimeter intact quarterly ensures nothing gets through. This can be especially important when those pests become more active as temperatures escalate.
Spring is On Its Way, But So Are Pests
Spring is a great time of year.
Keeping those pests away from your worries is important at this time of year. That way you can worry about the fun stuff like getting outside to enjoy the sun, checking out the spring bulbs that are blooming, and spring cleaning without bugs slowing you down.
This is the time of year to set yourself up for a pest-free spring and summer. You want to make sure bugs pass your home and find their warmth, comfort, and food somewhere else. We get that.
If you think bugs are targeting your home or you want to ensure your home is secure this spring, hiring a pro can help guarantee success.
A pest control technician will conduct a general inspection, looking at typical entryways. They can even seal ½-inch or smaller openings for you and eliminate any beginnings of inside infestations. Then, they apply a perimeter pest control treatment to keep insects outside.
Then, each quarter, exterminators return to check and secure the barrier and answer questions.
Looking for spring pest control solutions in Central and Southern Maryland? Get started today with a free quote. We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then you can just relax into spring, no bugs in sight.
Ah, spring. Most people embrace that good feeling when it seems that most of winter is officially behind them. They change parkas out for lighter coats and ditch the gloves and hats, basking in those sunnier, warmer temperatures.
We all love it. Spring brings hope and new beginnings for all of us. And when we say “all of us,” unfortunately, we also mean the creepy-crawly pests that are resting quietly, waiting for their moment to move and become active.
Yes, pests love spring just as much as we do. Once temperatures reach 50 degrees Fahrenheit, most insects enjoy moving about. They want to change up their scenery, search for food, and maybe breed more of their bunch.
Use This Pest Guide to Identify & Eliminate 28 Different Pests!
And the warmth, protection, and delicious smells coming from your home look pretty good.
Luckily, as you’re spring cleaning, there are a couple simple tasks you can add to your list when it comes to spring pest control in Maryland.
How to Prevent Spring Pest Problems in Maryland
Bugs just want a little bit of the safety and security we feel when we’re at home. We get that. Your home is a pretty sweet place full of all the dark corners and sweet crumbs they could want.
But that doesn’t mean they are welcome.
Spring brings out all the pests, and you want to make sure they don’t see your home as their final destination as they begin traveling about.
Here are 4 spring pest control tips you can use to keep pests away.
1. Cleanup Debris
Winter does a number on our landscapes.
Brisk winds cause twigs and small branches to fall off trees and litter your landscape.
While you may have done a great job gathering up leaves as they fell from trees in the fall, there are trees that shed leaves later in the season. And winter winds may blow nearby leaves to your property as well. So there is always some spring cleanup of leaves involved as temperatures warm up.
Random bits of trash can also move with winds and melting snow and ice piles.
So, you have a little bit of yard cleanup to do.
Why is this important for spring pest control in Maryland? Because guess where those pests have been harboring over the winter: in those very leaf and twig piles. And if those piles are near your foundation or windows, that puts them one step closer to inside your home.
Remember to clean up yard debris in early spring, especially those things that have collected too close to your home. You also don’t want stacks of firewood within 20 feet from your home because bugs and rodents enjoy camping out in those piles as well.
2. Maintain a Clean Home to Keep Pest Away
Bugs and mice look for quick, easy sources of food. They go for the first thing they smell that is nearby.
Enter your home.
Look around your house. Notice that your pet food is left out and open or that your bird food is in an open or barely sealed container?
What about the food in your pantry? Is it sealed and secured or left open or haphazardly closed?
Are your floors clean of crumbs and bug temptations?Storing food, including pet food and bird seed, in sealed plastic containers keeps food fresh and those exciting smells away from pests.
Clean up floors so they are free from crumbs and spill residue or other enticements.
Doing simple cleanup activities regularly can really help in preventing spring pest problems.
3. Seal Entryways
Now that the outside and inside of your home is clean, it’s time to make sure common bug entryways are not accessible.
As part of your spring pest control, seal any larger cracks and crevices that lead into your home. You can find these openings near basement entry points, foundations, window wells, insulation areas, and around siding.
While bugs are pretty small, and you may never be able to secure every tiny entryway, tackling those visible to you is a worthwhile step to keeping pests out.
4. Secure Your Pest Barrier
Cleanliness and limited entryways get you most of the way to a pest-free home.
But pests are creatures of habit. So if you’ve already had pest problems in the past, those bugs have already gotten a taste of the good stuff inside your home. They know you hold the key to a warm, safe haven of food, comfort, warmth, and a secure breeding spot.
Maintaining barriers to entry outside your home can ensure any weak leaks in plugging up holes or cleanliness are covered.
For mice infestations, maintenance amounts to keeping bait stations and traps in place and ready as a defense. When it comes to other bugs and pests like ants, preventing spring pest problems happens with quarterly perimeter pest control treatments. Since these applications last approximately three months, keeping that perimeter intact quarterly ensures nothing gets through. This can be especially important when those pests become more active as temperatures escalate.
Spring is On Its Way, But So Are Pests
Spring is a great time of year.
Keeping those pests away from your worries is important at this time of year. That way you can worry about the fun stuff like getting outside to enjoy the sun, checking out the spring bulbs that are blooming, and spring cleaning without bugs slowing you down.
This is the time of year to set yourself up for a pest-free spring and summer. You want to make sure bugs pass your home and find their warmth, comfort, and food somewhere else. We get that.
If you think bugs are targeting your home or you want to ensure your home is secure this spring, hiring a pro can help guarantee success.
A pest control technician will conduct a general inspection, looking at typical entryways. They can even seal ½-inch or smaller openings for you and eliminate any beginnings of inside infestations. Then, they apply a perimeter pest control treatment to keep insects outside.
Then, each quarter, exterminators return to check and secure the barrier and answer questions.
Looking for spring pest control solutions in Central and Southern Maryland? Get started today with a free quote. We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then you can just relax into spring, no bugs in sight.
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Ah, spring. Most people embrace that good feeling when it seems that most of winter is officially behind them. They change parkas out for lighter coats and ditch the gloves and hats, basking in those sunnier, warmer temperatures.
We all love it. Spring brings hope and new beginnings for all of us. And when we say “all of us,” unfortunately, we also mean the creepy-crawly pests that are resting quietly, waiting for their moment to move and become active.
Yes, pests love spring just as much as we do. Once temperatures reach 50 degrees Fahrenheit, most insects enjoy moving about. They want to change up their scenery, search for food, and maybe breed more of their bunch.
Use This Pest Guide to Identify & Eliminate 28 Different Pests!
And the warmth, protection, and delicious smells coming from your home look pretty good.
Luckily, as you’re spring cleaning, there are a couple simple tasks you can add to your list when it comes to spring pest control in Maryland.
How to Prevent Spring Pest Problems in Maryland
Bugs just want a little bit of the safety and security we feel when we’re at home. We get that. Your home is a pretty sweet place full of all the dark corners and sweet crumbs they could want.
But that doesn’t mean they are welcome.
Spring brings out all the pests, and you want to make sure they don’t see your home as their final destination as they begin traveling about.
Here are 4 spring pest control tips you can use to keep pests away.
1. Cleanup Debris
Winter does a number on our landscapes.
Brisk winds cause twigs and small branches to fall off trees and litter your landscape.
While you may have done a great job gathering up leaves as they fell from trees in the fall, there are trees that shed leaves later in the season. And winter winds may blow nearby leaves to your property as well. So there is always some spring cleanup of leaves involved as temperatures warm up.
Random bits of trash can also move with winds and melting snow and ice piles.
So, you have a little bit of yard cleanup to do.
Why is this important for spring pest control in Maryland? Because guess where those pests have been harboring over the winter: in those very leaf and twig piles. And if those piles are near your foundation or windows, that puts them one step closer to inside your home.
Remember to clean up yard debris in early spring, especially those things that have collected too close to your home. You also don’t want stacks of firewood within 20 feet from your home because bugs and rodents enjoy camping out in those piles as well.
2. Maintain a Clean Home to Keep Pest Away
Bugs and mice look for quick, easy sources of food. They go for the first thing they smell that is nearby.
Enter your home.
Look around your house. Notice that your pet food is left out and open or that your bird food is in an open or barely sealed container?
What about the food in your pantry? Is it sealed and secured or left open or haphazardly closed?
Are your floors clean of crumbs and bug temptations?Storing food, including pet food and bird seed, in sealed plastic containers keeps food fresh and those exciting smells away from pests.
Clean up floors so they are free from crumbs and spill residue or other enticements.
Doing simple cleanup activities regularly can really help in preventing spring pest problems.
3. Seal Entryways
Now that the outside and inside of your home is clean, it’s time to make sure common bug entryways are not accessible.
As part of your spring pest control, seal any larger cracks and crevices that lead into your home. You can find these openings near basement entry points, foundations, window wells, insulation areas, and around siding.
While bugs are pretty small, and you may never be able to secure every tiny entryway, tackling those visible to you is a worthwhile step to keeping pests out.
4. Secure Your Pest Barrier
Cleanliness and limited entryways get you most of the way to a pest-free home.
But pests are creatures of habit. So if you’ve already had pest problems in the past, those bugs have already gotten a taste of the good stuff inside your home. They know you hold the key to a warm, safe haven of food, comfort, warmth, and a secure breeding spot.
Maintaining barriers to entry outside your home can ensure any weak leaks in plugging up holes or cleanliness are covered.
For mice infestations, maintenance amounts to keeping bait stations and traps in place and ready as a defense. When it comes to other bugs and pests like ants, preventing spring pest problems happens with quarterly perimeter pest control treatments. Since these applications last approximately three months, keeping that perimeter intact quarterly ensures nothing gets through. This can be especially important when those pests become more active as temperatures escalate.
Spring is On Its Way, But So Are Pests
Spring is a great time of year.
Keeping those pests away from your worries is important at this time of year. That way you can worry about the fun stuff like getting outside to enjoy the sun, checking out the spring bulbs that are blooming, and spring cleaning without bugs slowing you down.
This is the time of year to set yourself up for a pest-free spring and summer. You want to make sure bugs pass your home and find their warmth, comfort, and food somewhere else. We get that.
If you think bugs are targeting your home or you want to ensure your home is secure this spring, hiring a pro can help guarantee success.
A pest control technician will conduct a general inspection, looking at typical entryways. They can even seal ½-inch or smaller openings for you and eliminate any beginnings of inside infestations. Then, they apply a perimeter pest control treatment to keep insects outside.
Then, each quarter, exterminators return to check and secure the barrier and answer questions.
Looking for spring pest control solutions in Central and Southern Maryland? Get started today with a free quote. We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then you can just relax into spring, no bugs in sight.
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Topics: Pest Control